Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 9: Is That a Whiff of Garlic?

Last week, ablaze with desperation, I had asked my herb-loving friend Heather for recommendations about the fleadogs. I just could not get enough help with the situation. She mentioned, well, a whole list of things, at the end of which was garlic. We all know garlic has a way of sticking with us when we eat it. It comes out your pores if you eat too much, not to mention the whole breath aspect. So it made complete sense to read that garlic has been used as a folk remedy to stave off worms and pests in animals, and occasionally people, for hundreds of years. I decided it was also the fastest remedy I could implement after using topical drugs — hate to overdose my pets! I chopped up a clove for each of them, mixed it up with yogurt (thanks for the tip, Heather!) and the pets wolfed it down, licking the bowls frightfully clean. Every morning for the last four days, I have been doing this garlic dance. I'm still not sure about the results, but I know my kitchen has been pest-free and I'm sure I owe that to the frightful scent that lingers most of the day. The downside is that I'm pretty sure the scent clings to me when I go out too, and I'm afraid that in small increments it's reminiscent of BO.

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